Department Cases

Marketing Department

The Marketing Manager or department in any organisation is typically managing spending across a variety of different platforms and juggling a number of different campaigns at one time, making it difficult and time consuming to track spending and ROI accurately.

Marketing professionals need to be agile and have the flexibility to adjust campaign spending as needed. In situations where lengthy approval processes are in place and where teams have limited access to resources, this can prevent a marketing team from getting the best possible results from their spend.

Qashio can offer your marketing team the flexibility they need whilst keeping within their assigned budgets, leaving them with more time to focus on creating engaging campaigns.

Qashio offers Marketing Teams the flexibility they need to maximise results:

  • Issue company cards with vendor or category-specific spend controls with real-time visibility on transactions

  • Ensure compliance to spend policies and budgets with pre-set controls

  • Save time with integrated approval workflows, allowing for seamless approvals with a click of a button

  • Allocate budgets by department and set custom spendings limits by time period, frequency or vendor

  • Manage your petty cash with Qashio’s Financial Control centre

  • Issue cads for a specific project or purpose to accurately allocate spending

Qashio Expense management Card
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