Department Cases

Sales Department

The Sales Department in any organisation is crucial for driving inbound cash flow to the organisation and as such, should to have quick access to resources as needed. Sales teams typically spend company funds on travel, both local and international, and client servicing including entertainment and hosting.

Sales leaders are usually working under pressure to achieve high targets and the unnecessary distraction of spending approvals and report submissions becomes a burden on their time and diverts focus from their goals. Long approval or submission processes can even be a demotivating factor for sales professionals who are eager to close deals rather than complete tedious administrative work

Qashio is helping companies remove those resource draining, manual processes so they can focus on what really matters, growing their business!

Qashio offers Sale Teams the tools they need to achieve their targets:

  • Issue company cards with vendor or category-specific spend controls with real-time visibility on transactions

  • Ensure compliance to spend policies and budgets with pre-set controls

  • Save time with integrated approval workflows, allowing for seamless approvals with a click of a button

  • Allocate budgets by department and set custom spendings limits by time period, frequency or vendor

  • Manage your petty cash with Qashio’s Financial Control centre

  • Issue cads for a specific project or purpose to accurately allocate spending

Qashio Expense management Card
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